Saturday, December 27, 2008


Pregnant Hooters girl
I drink Tequila every 7 yrs. usually in far south Mexico or Belize. I had a couple Patron shots after I saw this. We are headed for bad times.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Thank You Santa ( Officer Markin)

The Sled was a little weighted last night -- lead foot that is. Santa's little helper was of the up most professionalism by correcting this issue with a mobile Christmas tree. His sled was all gussied up with red and blue flashing lights and he wore what appeared to be a star on his chest. Good thing I didn't have any "egg-nog". Really THANK YOU OFFICER C. MARKIN of D.P.S may God bless you and yours this Christmas season. And may God keep you safe in his hands.
My Christmas was very good not only the gift above but I spent it with family. Nice to wake with the Terra-Mako in my arms . I also got to see the grandkids -Tripper and Hud - man have they grown. Ol' man wont stay gone so long anymore. I am blessed.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Sorry guys -- my adult ADD kicked in. That is the another double Daniels on the rocks.

Seems I got the video crossed up -- this one goes down there and that goes up here .Or did that go.. F-it you get the picture. This video - wait that video goes with this story -- I think.

JUST IN---THE SOUTH IS RISING AGAIN IN MONTAGUE COUNTY --seems the F.B.I. been looking into Drug trafficking and alleged sexual favors at the jail. Now this chaps my ass. I have had to buy these items on the street like all the rest of us --if I only knew I could get three hots and a cot also. What this world coming to?


I left the coast Friday at 4 in the a.m. , arrived home at 10 a.m. , one can say I was ready to be home. The Boss man called to see if I could do just one more thing before I leave. To that I replied "leave isn't past tense enough".
Saturday me and the terra-mako spent time "harboured-up".
Sunday was the 23rd annual Tarrant Toy Run. Me and the Mako spent alot of time at the Pour House. Another JOB-WELL DONE by the multitude of bikers braving the cold.
Sorry I have no pics but I am sure some of you can send them to me and I WILL post them.
To my Brothers and Sisters of the BFMC -- THANK YOU for all the hard work - it doesn't go unnoticed.
And a special thanks to YOU, all of you. Thank you for following , cussing and discussing .
You have helped me make it thru tough times.
This is for you



The cowboy images of President Bush, chopping wood and wearing sturdy work gloves in Crawford, have already been replaced by images of a presidential surfer dude. Obama, pictured shirtless and stepping out of the ocean, looks more like Daniel Craig in a Bond poster than John Wayne. And YES - I refuse to post the more complementary picture.
This was the leading story this morning on the TODAY Show.
Bad weather has left hundreds of travelers trying to get to and from the West Coast stuck in airports and bus stations. Today, several inches of snow are expected in Chicago which could slow down even more people traveling around the country ahead of Christmas.
( I found that one funny considering the whole Global warming thing and the fat woman, stranded at the airport, claiming she has been in the same clothes for three days --WHAAAA!)
DALLAS (AP) - There's a manhunt in the Dallas area as authorities look for the person who shot and killed two motorists and injured another during rush hour last night. 3 of the four vehicles shot at were 18-wheelers.( I do not need to know why, I just need to know police or a citizen kills him)
WASHINGTON (AP) - The third quarter's gross domestic product and new and existing home sales figures for November are all due out today. None of the news is expected to be good, and it comes up against an already bleak economic landscape -- October's new home sales were the lowest in nearly 18 years.( This happens EVERY winter)
ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. (AP) - Some Muslims say there will be even less trust in the U.S. government after five Muslim immigrants were convicted of scheming to attack U.S. soldiers at Fort Dix. A Council on American-Islamic Relations executive says some in the Muslim community will see it "as a case of entrapment." (YOU GOT TO BE KIDDING ME)
NEW DELHI (AP) - In an effort to lower tensions with neighboring Pakistan, India's prime minister says "nobody wants war." The rivals have seen tensions increase since the Mumbai attacks. (REALLY)
GOD HELP US--hope Dear Leader Chairman MaObama doesn't step on a jelly-fish.
Since J.C.'s birthday is around the corner that's the reason for the Cheese and Rice.

Maybe I have been wrong --Obama on the beach is a much happier moment in time!