Saturday, November 15, 2008


True Conservatives

1. The truest and perhaps the best pick will be Katon Dawson , South Carolina GOP Spokesman.

2. If we want to WIN -- Newt Gingrich , the Dems. will probably fry him.

3. Conservative who happens to be black -- Richard Steele , I think an excellent choice but maybe to close on the heals of Dear Leader Chairman MaObama.

Any of these men will be GREAT choice but only and carefully teamed with one of the others or the Gov. SARAH PALIN. Yes it is early and we may have the "political handover" but our future / our kids future calls for Patriots to stand and defend our country against threats foreign and domestic even if its our own Government.

Friday, November 14, 2008


In 1776, an extraordinary group of men signed a document that affirmed their God-given right to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." By attaching their signatures to our great Declaration of Independence, they, in effect, were signing their potential death warrants.
Indeed, the last line of our Declaration reads, "For the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor."
Many of these men, and many of their countrymen, the first generation of American Patriots, would die fighting for American liberty.
A decade later, their liberty having been won at great cost, our Founders further codified their independence and interdependence by instituting yet another historic document, our Constitution.
The Constitution specifies in Article VI, clause 3:
"The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution..."
Bound by Oath to support...
The Constitution also prescribes the following oath to be taken by the president-elect: "I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
Preserve, protect and defend...
Commissioned and enlisted military personnel are also required by statute to "solemnly swear, that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same...", though the officer's oath doesn't include any provision that they obey orders.
Against all enemies, foreign and domestic...
Notably, all these oaths mandate the preservation, protection, support and defense of our Constitution as ratified, not the so-called "living constitution" as amended by judicial activists populating what Thomas Jefferson predicted would become "the despotic branch."
While uniformed Americans serving our nation defend our Constitution with their lives, most elected officials debase it with all manner of extra-constitutional empowerment of the central government, not the least of which is the forced redistribution of income to benefit their constituency groups which, in turn, dutifully re-elect them.
Military service personnel who violate the Constitution are remanded for courts-martial under the Uniform Code of Military Justice, while politicians who violate the Constitution are remanded for -- re-election.
On that note, the latest crop of Leftists on their way to Washington under the supervision of President-elect Barack Obama are destined to make a greater mockery of our Constitution than any administration in history. Clearly, Obama and his ilk have no history of honoring, or intention to honor, their oaths and, in fact, have no context for such honor.
A small cadre of liberals who believe themselves to be "patriots" have asked, "Can't I be a bona fide Patriot and support Barack Obama?"
In a word ... NO, unless in a state of solemn repentance.
In the spirit of charity, perhaps Obama supporters, who self-identify as patriots, are just grossly misinformed about our Constitution, our history and their own civic duty. Of course, they would likewise be grossly deluded about their identity, but perhaps the delusion is temporary.
I would suggest that Obama "patriots" are nothing more than "sunshine patriots," as Thomas Paine wrote, who "will in crisis, shrink from the service of his country."
At its core, the word "patriot" has direct lineage to those who fought for American independence and established our constitutional republic. That lineage has descended most directly through our history with those who have been entrusted "to support and defend" our Constitution -- more specifically, those who have been faithful to, and have abided by, that oath. As previously noted, by "our Constitution," I am referring to the United States Constitution, not the adulterated vestigial remains that liberals call "the living constitution."
I have taken oaths five times in the service of our country. But I did not have to take any oath to understand my obligations as a citizen "to support and defend" our Constitution.
So, does the title of "Patriot" apply to an individual who votes for a man who has not honored his public oaths of office previously, and has given no indication he intends to "bear true faith and allegiance to the same" as president -- a man who subscribes to the errant notion of a "living constitution" which, in his own words, "breaks free from the essential constraints that were placed by the Founding Fathers in the Constitution"?
No authentic Patriot would support those who violate their sacred oaths.
Unfortunately, in this most recent election, we saw even a handful of flag-rank military officers who have no more reverence for their oaths than Obama. However, they are the exception, not the rule.
Obama's mantra, "change," is a euphemism for constitutional abrogation -- an incremental encroachment on liberty until, at last, liberty is lost.
Our nation's second president, John Adams, warned, "A Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored. Liberty, once lost, is lost forever."
As for Obama's deception about his own patriotic pedigree, I commend the words of our nation's first president, George Washington: "Guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism. ...[W]here is the security for property, for reputation, for life, if the sense of religious obligation deserts the oaths...?"
Regarding the Presidential Oath of Office, Justice Joseph Story wrote: "[T]he duty imposed upon him to take care, that the laws be faithfully executed, follows out the strong injunctions of his oath of office, that he will 'preserve, protect, and defend the constitution.' The great object of the executive department is to accomplish this purpose." He wrote further that if the president does not honor his oath, his office "will be utterly worthless for ... the protection of rights; for the happiness, or good order, or safety of the people."
Of course, Barack Obama proposes to further constrain the rights of the people by advancing centralized government control of the economy by way of regulation and forced income redistribution, all in the name of "happiness, good order, and safety of the people," but in direct violation of his oath.


I love the irony that leftist complain about this machine the government is becoming, while all they do is play cheerleader and advocate for government growth and control.

Totalitarianism doesn't sprout up from The Patriot Act, military tribunals, or an unpopular war. If the path to totalitarianism was so obvious, dictatorships would be a rare occurrence. Totalitarianism emerges as the individual becomes institutionalized by the state. By entrusting our essential services to the Federal government, we literally hand them the levers of power over us. By handing them power over our education, our health, our retirements, and our modes of communication (among other things), we are willfully marching into a dark future by allowing ourselves to be institutionalized, as the government simply becomes the administrators of the asylum.

Thursday, November 13, 2008


The New York Post reported that yesterday morning, thousands of people woke up to find what looked like a special edition of the New York Times at their doorsteps, but turned it out to be a hoax perpetrated by a handful of leftist organizations:
City residents awakened yesterday to a phony issue of The New York Times with the banner headline "Iraq War Ends" - along with stories declaring a halt to global warming and solutions to health-care spending and the country's economic woes.The ruse-paper, bearing the date July 4, 2009, and the slogan "All the news we hope to print," reports the indictment of President Bush, a maximum wage for CEOs and the nationalization of the oil companies.The perpetrators were the groups The Yes Men, Code Pink, United for Peace and Justice, and the Anti-Advertising Agency.Is there any real doubt that these "anti-war" organizations aren't quite the ad-hoc groups they claim to be and are really fronts for the full spectrum socialist causes? Why would Code Pink, a supposed anti-war group, be concerning themselves about the nationalization of industry or the capping of CEO wages?Also, I have a question, at what point can we officially stop calling them socialists and begin to refer to them as "national socialists" seeing as they advocate for state control of industry? For a group of people that love to shout "fascist" so regularly, they don't seem to mind the implementation of truly fascist policy.[read more]
Link Rizzuto


Obamabots already planning on national holiday celebrating Obama- It's definitely a sign of sickness that there are those amongst us ready to create a national holiday celebrating the election of a sitting president who has yet to even take office. It seems sort of Roman doesn't it? I'd love to see the national address Obama gives from the White House on his holiday. Would it be a speech on the importance of celebrating, um...him? Why don't we just name a month after him while we're at it. We'll call it Obamuary.


"Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle."

Happy moments, praise God,

Difficult moments,seek God,

Quiet moments, worship God,

Painful moments, trust God.

Every moment, thank God!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


"Shit, I better win or I ain't gonna get laid for a year."


I should have put the 52'' plasma , the lazy-boy, and the satellite dish in it first.

Rino Season Is Now Open --I STILL LOVE HIM

Like any entity that abandons basic quality control, political parties rot from within. It happened to the Democrats long ago, and now has become the case with the Republican Party, which has strayed from its conservative underpinnings.There are really only four things I have a strong aversion to: unloaded guns, dull knives, banjos, and Republicans in Name Only (RINOs).The Nugent family simply doesn't allow any of those things in our lives.

RINOs are Fedzilla punks who feign support for conservative principles only when it serves their political interest. RINOs are also known for their moderate positions such as supporting tax increases, federal “bailouts”, “comprehensive immigration reform”, advocating more counterproductive gun control that guarantee more innocent victims, opposing the death penalty, and growing and sustaining Fedzilla and all its toxic mongrels by going along with the liberals. RINOs have forgotten President Ronald Maximus Regan's admonition that government is the problem, not the solution.RINOs reach across Fedzilla's aisle to cut deals and build consensus with the liberals. Consensus building means compromising values and cutting deals with the socialist prankster punksters whose goal it is to turn America into EuroAmerica.Consensus building is for wimps and soulless people who stand for nothing. Compromise is not about being tolerant: these days, it’s about giving up conservative principles.

As the Republican Party begins to retool, rebuild and return to the "less government is best government" conservatism that makes America work, the first thing the GOP needs to do is to lock the RINOs out of the discussion. Heavily armed with an abundance of conservative attitude, my hunting buddies and I will provide security to ensure RINOs are kept downwind from the discussion. If allowed to participate, RINOs will continue to rot the Republican Party from within and diminish it in the eyes of the public. Enough is enough.John McCain has been a RINO on campaign finance, immigration, global warming and other issues and look what happened to him. He had reached across the aisle so many times to cut deals with the liberals that he had to pick Governor Palin, a true conservative, to try and lure disenfranchised and disgusted conservatives back into the fold. Didn't work. Senator McCain was the wrong candidate at the right time. RINOs lose elections; conservatives win them.Should President-elect Obama implement his wrong-headed economic policies, our economy will continue to slide into the abyss and America's debt will continue to soar to unsustainable levels. Conservatives must hold the line at all costs and call out all RINOs who support President-elect Obama's economic kamikaze plan.Make no mistake, conservative values and ideologies are embraced by Americans. The polls all indicate Americans are fed up with the Pelosi-led, do nothing congress, and do not support more government programs and control. Sounds to me like we have a conservative revolution brewing. Conservative leaders and thinkers such as Newt Gingrich, Jed Babbin, Governor Jindal of Louisiana, Thomas Sowell, Glenn Beck, Michelle Malkin, Governor Sarah Palin and others need to turn up the heat and bring this less government, more individual freedom and strong national defense revolution to a boil. It is time.My specialty is making Fedzilla punks squirm and turn into a puddle of sweat and drool. Therefore, in the spirit of famous butt kickers Generals Chesty Puller and George Patton, I say we launch an attack on all fronts. Uncle Ted hereby declares it is open season on RINOs. No bag limits or permits required. Conservative ideas, arguments and votes are the weapons we will use. Hunt them down and shine a blazing light on these RINO turncoat cockroaches. Zero in the "we the people" crosshairs of your voting assault weapon and aim for the RINO pumpstation. Double tap center mass. Whack em and stack em, track em and hack em, pack em and give em no slack. Let's do to the RINO beasts what we did to the passenger pigeon. Force out of the Republican Party out the subspecies known as RINOs. We must not make the mistake of keeping the GOP tent so big that there’s room for RINOs. They are in the business of producing conservative defeats. Instead, join me in the new Conservative Revolution. Let's go out and win another one for the Gipper.


"It should be the highest ambition of every American to extend his views beyond himself, and to bear in mind that his conduct will not only affect himself, his country, and his immediate posterity; but that its influence may be co-extensive with the world, and stamp political happiness or misery on ages yet unborn."
—George Washington, letter to the Legislature of Pennsylvania, September 5, 1789


Rewriting history: "I have spoken to all of [the former presidents], that are living, obviously, President Clinton -- I didn't want to get into a Nancy Reagan thing about, you know, doing any séances." --Barack Obama on getting ready to be president **Nancy Reagan consulted with an astrologer about Ronald Reagan's schedule after he was shot. It was actually Hillary Clinton who was reported to have engaged in séance-like sessions in which she communed with the spirit of Eleanor Roosevelt." --Fox News' Jim Angle
Yeah, right: "There are many who won't agree with every decision or policy I make as president, and we know that government can't solve every problem. But I will always be honest with you about the challenges we face. I will listen to you [unless you are a conservative], especially when we disagree." --Barack Obama, with a little Patriot clarification
Marxism 101: "For the last seven years we have had the highest corporate profit ever in American history. ... But it hasn't been shared, and that's the problem, because we have been guided by a Republican administration who believes in the simplistic notion that people who have wealth are entitled to keep it. They have an antipathy toward the means of redistributing wealth. And they may be able to sustain that for a while, but it doesn't work in the long run." --Rep. Jim Moran (D-VA)
Not defending America: "We don't need all these fancy new weapons." --Rep. Barney Frank (S-MA), chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, aligning himself with Obama's plan to cut the military budget by 25 percent
Kick the metaphor: "We have postponed dealing with an energy crisis since 1974. We had a crisis; we kicked it down the can. ... We had a health care crisis. ... These are, just taking those two examples, these are crises you can no longer afford to kick down the can. The crisis we have here, the American people know we have one. ... You cannot afford now to kick those down the can any longer." --Rep. Rahm Emanuel, Obama's pick for chief of staff, making no sense


If They Do Say So Themselves: "Media Bias Largely Unseen in US Presidential Race" --Reuters
'No, We Can't': "Obama Aides Tamp Down Expectations" --The New York Times
Maybe They Should Stop Burning Cash: "Carmakers Report Losses as They Burn Cash" --New York Times Web site
And So Close to Thanksgiving: "Duchess of York Accused of Smearing Turkey's Image" --Reuters
You Only Live Twice: "Skydiver Dies in Second Fatal Jump at Virginia Airport in 2 Months"
Everything Seemingly Is Spinning Out of Control: "Monks Brawl at Christian Holy Site in Jerusalem" --Associated Press
Bottom Stories of the Day: "Marijuana Aroma Detected at Obama's Hollywood Celebration Rally" ++ "Obama Picks an Ally as Chief of Staff" --Austin American-Statesman


Commencing tyranny?: "[G]iven the daunting challenges that we face, it's important that President-elect Obama is prepared to really take power and begin to rule [on] day one." --Valerie Jarrett, co-chair of Obama's transition team
Here we go again: "The inspiring and transformative choice by the American people to elect Barack Obama as our 44th president lays the foundation for another fateful choice that he -- and we -- must make this January to begin an emergency rescue of human civilization from the imminent and rapidly growing threat posed by the climate crisis." --Al Gore, populist potentate of eco-theology
Non Compos Mentis: "Many of the voters that voted for Senator McCain were older Americans, and most reside below the Mason-Dixon line where racial attitudes and traditions die hard. We can change laws, but it's difficult to change attitudes. ... I'm sure that many of our people have unfortunately lost their lives because of the absolute hatred that is manifested now that one of our own has risen to such a high office." --Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan at Mosque Maryam on Chicago's South Side on Sunday
A fool opens his mouth...: "For nine months, I kept quiet because I saw that the good words that I spoke about this beautiful young man at our Saviors' Day convention and the way they were misused. I decided it would be better for me to just be quiet rather than be drawn into the controversy..." --Louis Farrakhan, who probably should have stuck with that policy
From the Glitterati: "The election is over and I'm unleashed. I'm telling you, if this were not the outcome, I would be doing this show from Northwestern Hospital with a drip today." --Oprah Winfrey
The Big Lie: "November 5th ... what a day ... a new day ... finally Dr. King's words ring true that one day we will live in a nation where people 'will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character'." --singer Barbra Streisand




Tuesday, November 11, 2008



It's Tim Robbins vs. the city's Board of Elections - Round 2.

The actor caused a ruckus on Election Day, when he went to vote at the YMCA on West 14th Street and found his name wasn't in the poll book. He refused to cast a paper ballot, and got a court order to allow him to pull the lever.
"This is just one example of how difficult it is to vote in the US," he sniffed.
In a letter to Robbins yesterday, the board said he went to the wrong polling place because he'd moved from West 15th Street to West 19th on Feb. 19, 2004, so his voting location changed to West 20th.
It wasn't noticed earlier because he hadn't voted in recent elections, the board said.
But Robbins told The Post's David Seifman that his West 19th Street address is only an office and he still lives on West 15th.
He says he even voted in 2006 without a problem: "I have never voted at this place they claim I'm registered at. I think they are trying to cover their tracks."



I'm still working hurricane Ike relief and drove by this scene . I just had to stop and ask the Deputy what these "hardened" criminals had done to receive chain gang duty . She , a charming young black women, said that " they were wanna-be gang bangers". Really - true wanna-be "crips & bloods". I could not believe this because in all my travels , I found this in Vidor Tx. Now if your not familiar with Vidor , it happens to be the Klan holdout in Texas. Yep dead center . Which made me grin thinking that that in all the world these white boys want to live the "THUG" life - here . I said to the young Deputy that I thought they were members of the " SALTINES and the RITZ" seeing that they were crackers . I thought she was going to piss her self .

I have to admit this "CHANGE" we are experiencing is some funny shit.


I posted on NOV 7th on this I guess just right before this action . Now I feel how quick CHANGE is coming !!!

Here's some change that supporters of President-elect Obama may not want to see: all of the policy commitments on specific issues have been removed from his transition Web site.
On Nov. 7, global health advocates noticed that some of the details of Obama's "fight global poverty" statement had been removed. Specifically, the site no longer promised to fully fund debt cancellation for the world's poorest countries or provide the full U.S. contribution to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.
Activists already were concerned, since boosting foreign aid was the one thing Obama mentioned during the campaign when asked what proposals he'd have to scale back due to the faltering economy.
"If this is becoming an easy scapegoat it would be deeply problematic," said Matthew Kavanagh, the global campaigns director for the RESULTS Educational Fund, an anti-hunger and poverty group.
By this morning, all of the issue-specific pages on the transition site had been removed from the agenda section. In its place, a statement that mentioned details but provided none at all: "The Obama Administration has a comprehensive and detailed agenda to carry out its policies."
Still, most activists believe Obama does have plans to undo a Bush global health order, known as the Mexico City policy, that bars U.S. funding for groups that provide or promote abortion overseas, and another that blocks aid to the United Nations Population Fund.



President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed Nov. 11, 1919, as the first commemoration of Armistice Day to honor World War I veterans. The name of the day was changed to Veterans Day on June 1, 1954, to honor U.S. veterans of all wars.

The estimated number of veterans in the United States.

The projected number of living World War II veterans, as of this month.

The estimated number of World War II veterans who die each day.

The number of those in the military who died during Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom, between Oct. 7, 2001, and Nov. 1.




There is that bumper sticker that says, "If you can read this...thank a teacher. If you can read it in English...thank a soldier." Many of you agree with this sentiment I would venture to guess. Have you ever done it? Have you ever gone up to a soldier and said, "Thank you" to him/her? I'm not talking about someone you know that is in the military. I'm not talking about waving and saying, "Thank you" as a soldier drives by in a parade. Have you ever gone up to a complete stranger, who is obviously in the military, and said, "Thank you" to him?I have. I try to do it as often as possible. Honestly, the first time I was about to do it...I felt stupid. It was a heart felt thank you, but I was embarrassed to go up to a complete stranger. That was until I did it. I believe my exact words were, "Thank you for all you do for this country." Simple. Straight-forward. The reply came, "I'm just doing my job, Sir." But then there was that hint of a smile from him. The kind that made me believe what I said meant more to that soldier than I thought. It made me wonder if anyone had ever thanked him before. I didn't ask though. I just went about my business. It felt good. It felt good because I thought that I made him feel appreciated.The next time it wasn't as hard. The reply this time was, "You're welcome, Sir." Again, there was that look. That look like maybe he had never been told thank you before. Again, it was a great feeling, but almost a disturbing one at the same time. I started wondering even more....had no one ever said thank you to these soldiers?The third time was an older gentleman selling the little flowers for the VFW I think. This time I said, "Thank you for all you did for this country." He got visibly upset....not mad....but he was shaking a little bit. I felt horrible. Did I insult him by thanking him I was thinking. I didn't know what to do. I froze up. The older gentleman stood up and said to me, "Young man. No one has ever thanked me for my service. When you said, 'Thank you' to me, it was like a release." I couldn't believe it. I would guess the man was in his 70's and somehow, no one ever thanked him for his brave service to this nation. I was shocked to the point that I didn't know what to say or do. I smiled and continued walking out to my car.I have said, "Thank you" in one form or another many, many times now. I very often get what I now call "The Look" when I thank them. I have since asked many of them if they have ever been thanked. Most reply, "No, but it is my honor to serve this nation" or something very similar. No ego. No attitude. Just pure PRIDE.These courageous men and women are willing to put their lives on the line for us and for our country. They do so with honor and with pride. They don't do it so that they can hear, "Thank you" from us. That doesn't mean we don't owe them a great big "Thank you." My gosh, it is the very least we can do. Try it. Next time you see a man or woman in uniform, walk up to them and just say, "Thank you." or "Thank you for all you do for this country" or one of my favorites "Thank you for protecting my family." I guarantee you will get "The Look" more often than you won't. I don't care if you are shy. I don't care if you feel stupid. Do it anyway. Believe me, it is worth it. Let them all know they have our support, our love and our admiration again .


And just a quick side note, I use the term "Soldier." I am aware that different branches of the military call themselves different names....soldiers, marines, sailors, etc. My use of the term "soldier" is meant to encompass all of our armed forces.

Monday, November 10, 2008



On 10 November 1775, the Second Continental Congress resolved to create two battalions of Continental Marines for the War of Independence from Britain. In 1798, President John Adams signed the Act establishing the United States Marine Corps.

It is the soldier, not the reporter,Who has given us freedom of the press.

It is the soldier, not the poet,Who has given us freedom of speech.

It is the soldier, not the campus [or community] organizer,Who has given us the freedom to demonstrate.

It is the soldier, who salutes the flag,Who serves beneath the flag,And whose coffin is draped by the flag,Who allows the protester to burn the flag.

-- Father Dennis Edward O'Brian, USMC
Semper Fi!

In honor of our fellow Marines today, and in advance of honoring Veterans from all Service Branches tomorrow, at sunrise, we respectfully lowered, righted, and returned our flag to full mast. Our flag is waving briskly in the fall winds, a reminder of all that is still good and right with America.


Tomorrow is Veterans Day.
We encourage all Patriots to set aside time and reflect on the sacrifice of our Patriot veterans and those serving today, and honor them accordingly.
On November 11, 1921, an unknown American soldier from World War I was buried in Arlington National Cemetery, in recognition of WWI veterans and in conjunction with the timing of cessation of hostilities at 11 a.m., November 11, 1918 (the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month). President Warren Harding requested that: "All ... citizens ... indulge in a period of silent thanks to God for these ... valorous lives and of supplication for His Divine mercy ... on our beloved country." Inscribed on the Tomb are the words: "Here lies in honored glory an American soldier know but to God." The day became known as "Armistice Day." In 1954, Congress, wanting to recognize the sacrifice of veterans since WWI, proposed to change Armistice Day to Veterans Day in their honor. President Dwight D. Eisenhower, former Supreme Commander in WWII, signed the legislation.
To honor those veterans who sacrificed all, an Army honor guard from the 3d U.S. Infantry (The Old Guard) keeps day and night vigil at Arlington. At 11 a.m. Tuesday, a combined color guard representing all military service branches executes "Present Arms" at the tomb for the laying of a wreath by the president, followed by "Taps."
More than a million Patriots stand ready, or are actively defending our nation today. These men and women were not drafted into service, but volunteered to serve.

"Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom, must, like men, undergo the fatigues of supporting it." --Thomas Paine

LINK Patriot

Sunday, November 9, 2008


Eddie Haskell, The Beaver, and Wally


This site kills me ! You have to run the B.S. meter




After 9/11 President Called on the American public to " go shop ". Well after this weeks assault on America -We did just that. Obamanomics is -- WORKING already. And his plan is so grand it even works on the shirt tails of the "FAILED 8 yrs. of the BUSH admin.". Gun sales are reaching all-time highs . Ammo is shooting of the shelves. I myself, bought another AR-15 and found me-self Lucky to find one , I mean these babes are selling as soon as they get IN the store. Handguns sales are reaching ORGASMIC levels . I am so graced to live in a FREE country that you have the RIGHT to bare arms or even the RIGHT to arm bears . ME THINKS I'M GOIN TO CRY -