After 9/11 President Called on the American public to " go shop ". Well after this weeks assault on America -We did just that. Obamanomics is -- WORKING already. And his plan is so grand it even works on the shirt tails of the "FAILED 8 yrs. of the BUSH admin.". Gun sales are reaching all-time highs . Ammo is shooting of the shelves. I myself, bought another AR-15 and found me-self Lucky to find one , I mean these babes are selling as soon as they get IN the store. Handguns sales are reaching ORGASMIC levels . I am so graced to live in a FREE country that you have the RIGHT to bare arms or even the RIGHT to arm bears . ME THINKS I'M GOIN TO CRY -
There's no crying in gun tote'in...you may discreetly shed a tear...anything more than that and you might rust your weapon!
You are one dumb motherfucker.
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