Saturday, November 1, 2008


3 more days of this Election BullThit -- then weeks and months of whinning---then----?

Friday, October 31, 2008


Our founding fathers gave much thought & blood to our nation -- they did NOT get it wrong . Chairman Maobamma , you do NOT represent the party of THOMAS JEFFERSON or even the beliefs our nation is founded on . You have pandered EVERY side for EVERY vote . One cannot walk the fence-PICK A SIDE . Have the balls to be a man . I may piss people off with my Constitutional beliefs but at least they know where I stand . The saying " we'll agree to disagree" is for the nutless wonders of the world . I respect the self proclaimed MARXIST - he at least is man enough to state it with conviction---but you are a COWARD . In the words of a Marxist - the 1st radical thinker did it with such conviction he gained his own kingdom lest we forget LUCIFER- by SAUL LINSKI "Rules for Radicals" . The L.A Times story , Your birth certificate , your past relations with William Ayers , Rasheed Khalita and whom ever else just be the MAN you claim to be . Stand behind your convictions of CHANGE- don't lie & cover it up like ALL the politicians before you .
For those who look at me with disdain--- read the U.S Constitution --The Bill Of Rights and the Communist Manifesto. Decide for yourself--What side of the fence you stand on and paint it! THAT I CAN RESPECT!!!


1 : William Ayers
2 : Hamas
3 : IRAN
Just how many more endorsements of this level are you comfy with Chairman Maobamma?
I would think 0 - nada - EL ZIPPO ! But I have INTEGRITY --you have DISDAIN for this Country and its fundamental core beliefs.

Thursday, October 30, 2008


Aristotle said friends fall in 3 categories --

1 ; Those who make you laugh

2 ; Those who are useful

3 ; Those who make you become better

A friend did all three today for me , at the expense of being called a "UNCLE TOM". I'm thankful that he believes this is a still a FREE AMERICA and he can vote anyway he sees fit . He believes that this country was based , built on the foundation and beliefs of GOD , and he feels we are moving away from these ideas . This put a smile in my face and made me chuckle because of the reactions this drew . And this made me a better person because sometimes I forget--- That a true friend stands beside you ALL of the time and gives you comfort in knowing that you are NOT alone .

To all my friends and those I don't know.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I mean 4 legs damn you !

All them drunks made a run to do the Frozenmonkey Flogging --so I collected my $35. and got here as soon as poss.. One of them came back inside and yelled "DAMN THAR IS A BIG-ASS COON OUT-THAR" . Now just to let you know I'm in Orange , TX.. Just a little-o-stones throw from VIDOR , TX.. Back to the lobby yelling-- The front desk replied " WHATS HE A WEARIN " I could not help it --I yelled "A SHEET" . Now here is the kicker -the reply to that----"NOW DON'T THAT STUPID N#*!*rR KNOW HALLOWEEN AIN'T TILL FRIDAY ". Yes sirre if I'm lying I'm dying. I collected my extra $65 -made this post - going to da room - make a DOUBLE crown & 7 and hit the hay --5;30 is awlfull early. NITE-NITE TERMITES !!! Just to let you know a--- RACCOON--- was the culprit .

WOW, at a loss for words---Well that sounds good in theory!

Been watching a 2008 Election Debate on C-Span . It was dated Oct.,24th and held at Regent University . Damn did the Rep. delegates get a warm reply. The Dems. delegates where taken back by this . I would like to post some links but the line of drunks a-bitch'n behind me wanting to look at porn is growing. And since they are BEHIND me -----I gotta go . Best Buy 2morrow

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Sucks using hotel computer

Damn dont know whats worse not having my pc or putting up with the drunks, at least me and my cohorts can bet on the drunks . There is allways the casinos in Lake Charles --better grade of drunk . They have the fine mix of "I dont have shit left , f@#kers ". The management just let you bet in side. the F@#KERS!

Sunday, October 26, 2008


Dallas-San Antonio may both . Going to be THERE.


Oh by the way --Seen this in Vidor TX. Thank GOD it wasn't at the voting booths. I just ( hate) pissing in those tight quarters .

Kiaser Solsay does'nt scare me , Barack Obamma does

Barack Obama’s fundraising continues to shatter records. In September, Illinois’ junior senator brought in $150 million, much of which is suspected of being illegal. His campaign total now is more than $600 million. Considering that Obama thinks we should “spread the wealth,” we call on him to split his campaign money with John McCain. To quote Joe Biden, it’s “just simple fairness.”