Friday, October 31, 2008


Our founding fathers gave much thought & blood to our nation -- they did NOT get it wrong . Chairman Maobamma , you do NOT represent the party of THOMAS JEFFERSON or even the beliefs our nation is founded on . You have pandered EVERY side for EVERY vote . One cannot walk the fence-PICK A SIDE . Have the balls to be a man . I may piss people off with my Constitutional beliefs but at least they know where I stand . The saying " we'll agree to disagree" is for the nutless wonders of the world . I respect the self proclaimed MARXIST - he at least is man enough to state it with conviction---but you are a COWARD . In the words of a Marxist - the 1st radical thinker did it with such conviction he gained his own kingdom lest we forget LUCIFER- by SAUL LINSKI "Rules for Radicals" . The L.A Times story , Your birth certificate , your past relations with William Ayers , Rasheed Khalita and whom ever else just be the MAN you claim to be . Stand behind your convictions of CHANGE- don't lie & cover it up like ALL the politicians before you .
For those who look at me with disdain--- read the U.S Constitution --The Bill Of Rights and the Communist Manifesto. Decide for yourself--What side of the fence you stand on and paint it! THAT I CAN RESPECT!!!

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