Mike: Well, let me tell you, you can’t print your way out of this crisis. You cannot continue to manufacture cash out of thin air, have it be worth something, and print your way out of this just because there’s more money in circulation, which is what they’re doing. Which is what the President, or the office of President-elect Obama, which is what he’s doing. And you sit there, and you scratch your head, oh, it’s so rotten, we’ve lost 170,000 jobs lost since [Mike sobbing], I know all these things, I’ve seen it [Mike sobbing]. And then he goes on to say, well, and I’m going to announce the appointment of two people that are going to fix it. Why, we’re going to have a health – we’re going to have a health secretary. Tom Daschle’s going to lead us into health care nirvana. He’s going to fix all this.You guys messed it up. They screwed it up. They broke it. And they broke it because, not because they’re bad people, but because they believe in the power of coercion. They believe in the power of government brute force. You cannot fix, make, mend, or have a functioning economy that functions as a result of the government’s brute force applied to it. That’s when you get what we have now. We have the brute force of regulatory boards and agencies and what have you, telling our merchants, our businesses, and our industries what they can do, when they may do it, and how they will do it. That is not a recipe for success And it never will be. We can sit here from now until we’re all literally poor and living in a Third World nation, and just keep printing wazoo out – or money out the wazoo, out the wazoo, out the wazoo. We can pile up mountains. What’s the next number after a trillion? Rev, is that quadrillion? We can print quadrillions of dollars of dollars. It won’t matter. There’s nothing to back it up. You are not increasing the productivity or the capital.
Mike: The only way we’re going to get out of this is to grow our way out of this. Understand this. Well, Mike, Mike, how do we grow our way out of it? [Whiny Voice] You’re such a – that is stupid conservative game. You don’t know anything.[end Whine] Here’s how you grow your way out of it. You cut the government. They consume. It is a beast. It is an unwieldy living organism, folks. It is a beast. That’s why I call it “Leviathan.” Here’s how you grow your way out of it. You cut the government. They consume. It is a beast. It is an unwieldy living organism, folks. It is a beast. That’s why I call it “Leviathan.” It consumes resources. It does not produce them. It consumes them whole and then poops out tax bills for you and I to have to pay back. It is the engine of destruction. It is not the salvation. And we’ll be sitting here, I’m telling out, we will be sitting here from now until they stop this or we force them to stop it. Talking about the same thing. If you want the same result, well, then, just keep nodding your head and tell Obama, appoint Daschle to take over this industry, appoint Nazi Pelosi to take over the automobile industry, have this czar and that czar. You’re going to have czars out the wazoo. If czars worked so well, well then Imperial Russia would still be run by Nicholas VI. And there would have been no need for the Bolsheviks to have a revolution, now, would there have been?You grow your way out of this. You grow your way out by minimizing the drain that the government and other external forces have on this nation that is so wealthy. We had the capital. We have the manpower. We absolutely can grow our way out of this in a matter of months. Now, let me give you the recipe here. You don’t have a plan. All you conservatives love to whine. You don’t have a plan, you stupid idiot. You think you’re so smart. Obama’s smarter than you. I’ll take that bet. You’re going to regret because I guarantee you I’m smarter than that loser.Here’s how you grow your way out of it. President-elect ends his press conference, but proposes a couple of things, and tells the Congress, don’t send me any bills that don’t have this in it because I’m going to veto ‘em. Number one: Freeze government spending. Freeze it. No COLA increases for government employees. You don’t like it, screw you. Go out and get a real job, loser. Number two: If you quit, you call in sick, we fire your ass. You’re done. And no, you’re not getting your pension. You don’t like it, screw you. You’ll live like the rest of us live. Number three: Through the method of attrition, as previously mentioned, you begin the exact same process for the government agencies. When something comes up for renewal, don’t renew it. Suspend it. Number four: You order the Treasury Department immediately, you order it immediately to suspend the collection of all income taxes. Just like Congressman Gohmert proposed. But you do it indefinitely. Number four: You announce to the world that the United States of America is the home for big business. And you cut the corporate tax rate to 10 percent. Just cut it, 10 percent. Number five: You announce to the rest of the world that, if you have capital invested here, now is a good time to cash it in and apply it to productive measures. We are slashing the capital gains tax rate to zero. And this will be in effect for a minimum of three years.Now, if you do those – and then you order the Treasury Department, you order the Treasury Department to tell the Federal Reserve that it is out of the business of dictating interest rates. You will no longer tell us what the interest rate will be. We will return to the monetized banking system where the banks are actually responsible for this. And you begin this in an orderly fashion. Get back to some sound money that’s actually worth something. You do those things, you’ll have mountains of foreign cash coming in here that we don’t currently have, and that could be put to productive measures. You get the government out of the way. You take the money that the government is currently confiscating and consuming and not putting to productive measures, and you return it to the people that will.
Mike: Well, let me tell you, you can’t print your way out of this crisis. You cannot continue to manufacture cash out of thin air, have it be worth something, and print your way out of this just because there’s more money in circulation, which is what they’re doing. Which is what the President, or the office of President-elect Obama, which is what he’s doing. And you sit there, and you scratch your head, oh, it’s so rotten, we’ve lost 170,000 jobs lost since [Mike sobbing], I know all these things, I’ve seen it [Mike sobbing]. And then he goes on to say, well, and I’m going to announce the appointment of two people that are going to fix it. Why, we’re going to have a health – we’re going to have a health secretary. Tom Daschle’s going to lead us into health care nirvana. He’s going to fix all this.You guys messed it up. They screwed it up. They broke it. And they broke it because, not because they’re bad people, but because they believe in the power of coercion. They believe in the power of government brute force. You cannot fix, make, mend, or have a functioning economy that functions as a result of the government’s brute force applied to it. That’s when you get what we have now. We have the brute force of regulatory boards and agencies and what have you, telling our merchants, our businesses, and our industries what they can do, when they may do it, and how they will do it. That is not a recipe for success And it never will be. We can sit here from now until we’re all literally poor and living in a Third World nation, and just keep printing wazoo out – or money out the wazoo, out the wazoo, out the wazoo. We can pile up mountains. What’s the next number after a trillion? Rev, is that quadrillion? We can print quadrillions of dollars of dollars. It won’t matter. There’s nothing to back it up. You are not increasing the productivity or the capital.
Mike: The only way we’re going to get out of this is to grow our way out of this. Understand this. Well, Mike, Mike, how do we grow our way out of it? [Whiny Voice] You’re such a – that is stupid conservative game. You don’t know anything.[end Whine] Here’s how you grow your way out of it. You cut the government. They consume. It is a beast. It is an unwieldy living organism, folks. It is a beast. That’s why I call it “Leviathan.” Here’s how you grow your way out of it. You cut the government. They consume. It is a beast. It is an unwieldy living organism, folks. It is a beast. That’s why I call it “Leviathan.” It consumes resources. It does not produce them. It consumes them whole and then poops out tax bills for you and I to have to pay back. It is the engine of destruction. It is not the salvation. And we’ll be sitting here, I’m telling out, we will be sitting here from now until they stop this or we force them to stop it. Talking about the same thing. If you want the same result, well, then, just keep nodding your head and tell Obama, appoint Daschle to take over this industry, appoint Nazi Pelosi to take over the automobile industry, have this czar and that czar. You’re going to have czars out the wazoo. If czars worked so well, well then Imperial Russia would still be run by Nicholas VI. And there would have been no need for the Bolsheviks to have a revolution, now, would there have been?You grow your way out of this. You grow your way out by minimizing the drain that the government and other external forces have on this nation that is so wealthy. We had the capital. We have the manpower. We absolutely can grow our way out of this in a matter of months. Now, let me give you the recipe here. You don’t have a plan. All you conservatives love to whine. You don’t have a plan, you stupid idiot. You think you’re so smart. Obama’s smarter than you. I’ll take that bet. You’re going to regret because I guarantee you I’m smarter than that loser.Here’s how you grow your way out of it. President-elect ends his press conference, but proposes a couple of things, and tells the Congress, don’t send me any bills that don’t have this in it because I’m going to veto ‘em. Number one: Freeze government spending. Freeze it. No COLA increases for government employees. You don’t like it, screw you. Go out and get a real job, loser. Number two: If you quit, you call in sick, we fire your ass. You’re done. And no, you’re not getting your pension. You don’t like it, screw you. You’ll live like the rest of us live. Number three: Through the method of attrition, as previously mentioned, you begin the exact same process for the government agencies. When something comes up for renewal, don’t renew it. Suspend it. Number four: You order the Treasury Department immediately, you order it immediately to suspend the collection of all income taxes. Just like Congressman Gohmert proposed. But you do it indefinitely. Number four: You announce to the world that the United States of America is the home for big business. And you cut the corporate tax rate to 10 percent. Just cut it, 10 percent. Number five: You announce to the rest of the world that, if you have capital invested here, now is a good time to cash it in and apply it to productive measures. We are slashing the capital gains tax rate to zero. And this will be in effect for a minimum of three years.Now, if you do those – and then you order the Treasury Department, you order the Treasury Department to tell the Federal Reserve that it is out of the business of dictating interest rates. You will no longer tell us what the interest rate will be. We will return to the monetized banking system where the banks are actually responsible for this. And you begin this in an orderly fashion. Get back to some sound money that’s actually worth something. You do those things, you’ll have mountains of foreign cash coming in here that we don’t currently have, and that could be put to productive measures. You get the government out of the way. You take the money that the government is currently confiscating and consuming and not putting to productive measures, and you return it to the people that will.
And then we can grow our economy truly, and we can begin to pay back this massive debt that we are going to irresponsibly and unconscionably pass on to our children and grandchildren.
That’s the great crime of our generation. We don’t seem to care.
1 comment:
We don't seem to care, or it's too much work to do for our instant gratification generation. Why do all that work when you can just PRINT IT right!?
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