The Sled was a little weighted last night -- lead foot that is. Santa's little helper was of the up most professionalism by correcting this issue with a mobile Christmas tree. His sled was all gussied up with red and blue flashing lights and he wore what appeared to be a star on his chest. Good thing I didn't have any "egg-nog". Really THANK YOU OFFICER C. MARKIN of D.P.S may God bless you and yours this Christmas season. And may God keep you safe in his hands.
My Christmas was very good not only the gift above but I spent it with family. Nice to wake with the Terra-Mako in my arms . I also got to see the grandkids -Tripper and Hud - man have they grown. Ol' man wont stay gone so long anymore. I am blessed.
I like Trooper Chris Markin. Really a nice guy. You sure made my day. I giggled a little with the warning you posted. I hope you had a Merry Christmas...
What made you smile -- was it the speeding or the location of the speeding?
So, how fast were you driving at the roadside park... Did you escape the men's room and flee?
I had to run before the big bust -- roadside parks are notorious for gay activity -- ala Something about Mary. I'm just lucky I didn't trip! Like Jarhead my norm is around 80-85mph , this night -you'll have to ask the Officer - I dont know , I had my head up my ass. That doesn't sound good after that whole "bust" business do it?
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