I took the Bolivar pix this morning -- the fog just added to the depression one feels seeing this in person. I will leave in the morning for home. A much needed rest is in order. My mind and emotions are drained. I do not want to return here but will in Jan. if given the opportunity. I have been truly blessed . Please when and if you find the time send these people a prayer, if you don't believe send a good thought. Thank you
What a devistation. It's obviously a ghost town, gas is still listed @ $3.45. I wonder if they will build this town back up anytime soon... if ever. Starting from absolute nothing isn't very motivating when it used to be everything to the people who lived there. Come home, it looks like Christmas here!
I was down there the day the hurricane blew thru. The Denton Co Task made up the entourage, consisting of local fire and sheriff depts. We spent a week down there looking for bodies, helping the locals, and the local small fire depts. We covered several counties near Galveston and to the east near Louisiana. the destruction was larger in scale than many people can imagine. In one area, you would see huge damage from the wind, but not the water, In another area intense flooding from the tidal surge. On the coastline, you have both. These people need help, still. If your a texan, you can be proud of these fellow texans. Unlike New Orleans, the locals were helping themselves and their neighbors wherever they could. Most did not have flood insurance, which is the way the insurance companys will screw them. Alot lost everything, most lost some. When asked what they were going to do, they would look at me and say, "what else can I do? This is my home, we'll save what we can and start over". I was truly impressed with the courage they showed in the face of such immense tradgedy.
Thank you very much for your Service. You are correct the spirit of these fellow Texans is that of triumph. It is shameful that the media has turned a blind eye to this.
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