Just to keep it simple these videos are by locals. Most neighborhoods pictured are 3-5 miles sometime 10 miles inland. When I say they lost most everything - I mean it. As of today almost 3 months have past since IKE. Many STILL are without housing. F.E.M.A. is overwhelmed and also lagging behind (I wont go into a rant). I been here for sometime now and I'm tired but when I see these fellow Texans and what they are going thru -- I cant bitch.
I have spoken to Laura Cremeans of the Church of Christ Disaster Relief Team (DRT) which is in the area from Florida. Mrs. Cremeans said the DRT is giving building supplies,clothing - new & used and provides some 600 - 800 meals a day. She went on to say that 'Dec.20th the DRT will be holding a Christmas Dinner for the area residence, handing out gifted toys to the children and also because teens are so often overlooked, gift certificates of $25. from Walmart, Target, etc...'.
As you can see from the pictures which I have posted the area was knocked on it's knees. The local -one and only grocery store is working around the clock to get back in the old building. Pizza merchants, restaurants, City Hall and even the Police dept. are working out of trailers. THIS IS GOING ON 3 MONTHS after Ike!
The people of these coastal communities don't ask for much, usually they are more willing to help then be helped. So I Am ASKING - Please Help If You Can - and give a simple Prayer their way and/or a donation would go a long way.
Church of Christ Disaster Relief Team
105 Parkside Drive
Bridge City, Tx. 77611
On a personal note to you--I THANK YOU
Didn't these people have insurance on their businesses or homes?
Most had Hurricane Ins. but the same Insurance comps. claim that this is flood. The problem lies with trying to collect and let us face it -- that usually does'nt cover what you have lost. With most of thier money going for the basics, Christmas ends up on the back burner. It has been a very humbling time for me seeing this mess. Today I'm in Galviston ,they are not in any better condition but with Houston to the north they are getting a quicker response from FEMA. Thank you for asking.
By the way Nice hair!
I was part of the Denton co task force that got down there the day it passed through, and was amazed at the damage. Some was wind damage, but yeh, most of the damage was from flooding and the tidal surge that came inland, then sucked everthing back out. Nobody had seen it come that far in, and were not insured for flood damage. I am proud of the way
Texans helped their neighbors during this time, and when asked what they were going to do, they simply said, "we'll start over, what else can you do?" You gotta love their attitude. Times are tough up here, but if you have a roof over your head, a healthy family, two cars in your driveway, and food on the table, life is pretty good. Help them in any way you can. It'll make you feel better.
Thank you for the comments. I've been here from day one and was hoping to be home the 19th, that was yesterday. Today its the 23rd then back here the 27th for three more months. I bet some of the residents will just be getting help from F.E.M.A.by then, I am not joking these people are hurting and it is a shame that our media coverage turns a blind eye to it. Even the local media , I never -NEVER- received a call-back from the papers or t.v. stations in reguard to donation drop-off info.
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