Postcards from the fringe: "Again, I don't defend the route we went and I really urge people to participate in resistance, non-violent direct action to these wars. I don't urge violence at all. But, let's admit that we live, often, in a sewer of violence and opposing that violence is key." --unrepentant terrorist and Obama ally Bill Ayers coming out of the sewer post-election
Hope and change: "I think the world is about to change for the better. Bush ruined it and now people have no choice but to try to put it back together. He's like Humpty Dumpty." --"comedienne" Roseanne Barr
Someone with other issues: "[President] Bush has openly mocked law and proclaimed a certain pleasure in sadism and exulted in holding prisoners and mistreating and torturing them, really. Of course this affects one emotionally: my emotional life has been very strongly affected by the fact that Bush was president and my writing life is affected by my emotional life." --actor and playwright Wallace Shawn
"I just think that Sarah [Palin] and a lot of other people are misguided in terms of some very serious issues. I don't think she is in any manner, shape, or form suited to be the vice president of the United States. And particularly not suited to be the vice president of a president who is in his 70s." --Playboy mogul Hugh Hefner (age 82) with some post-election analysis
1 comment:
Who asked the damn celebs anyway??? Seriously, when was the last time they were actually part of America and not lolly-gaggin in the freaking Playboy mansion? And if SOME of them could keep them heads out of a twinkie box for a minute, maybe they would realize that one man didn't "f" this up all by hims' self. They all just feed off of eachother's dumbass-ed-ness!
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