Gloat you LIBBYS gloat--
You'll RUE the day that you started slinging shit like monkeys. Get ready to catch shit! What I'm saying is simple -you have blamed Pres. Bush for EVERYTHING--well grab your ankles. When Pres.-Elect Dear Leader Chairman Maobama takes the office , is sworn in and is PRESIDENT OBAMA --
I will blame him if a loaf of bread goes up a dime. I will blame him when I see a pot -hole in the road . I will blame him if my grand-child gets a C instead of a B on a math test. I will blame HIM when I see a homeless person because if my taxes are taken without concern for that which the U.S.Constitution art.1 sect.8 allows -- I WILL BLAME HIM --President Barack Obama.
DO NOT get me wrong -I hope and pray he becomes the best President and does the best job for this country and it's future . But if he goes off the reservation I will go on the WAR-PATH !!!
By the way the "BEST WIN EVER " here's the numbers. Hope your widdle heads don't explode -ya pillow bitters !
2004 Bush 62,040,610 total votes or 50.23 % - Kerry 59,028,444 or 48.27 % .
2008 Obama 62,704,847 or 52% - McCain 55,563,444 or 46% of the vote .
So for the win , did it at least show you that with ALL the media or at least 90% of it - the hundreds and hundreds of millions spent ( that should show a spending trend ) it wasn't "THE BEST WIN EVER".
Denny Crane made a 1000 dollar wager on the out come of the election and lost. When the money was picked up from Barry Green the envelope was full of paper not money.
This money was to be donated to my charities and now they will do without.
How low can you go ???
and this means??
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