Was told by the superior in the house to get off the political rant , for lack of a more choice word . So here it is . Terra-mako(wiffy-po) and I just returned from our weekly hunting and gathering at Wally-world . And again thinking I am the more toothy in the house , I bought a case of in incandescent light bulbs . Now I was thinking that in the next year or two these little items will be quiet the commodity , being that their production is to cease . Yes cease . Seems we have moved into the 21st. century and cfl's (compact fluorescent lights) are the GREEN thing to do . Well I've been told cfls were made in China and contained mercury . Needless to say I believed I was to be the "light-bulb tycoon" of the little corner of the tank which we swim . To my dismay I seen a row of razor sharp toofers grinning at me . She directed me to "check the facts" as if the cfls were Chairman Mao'bamma campaign . Here it is - Yes , production ceases beginning in 2012 partially ending in 2014 ; No , made in several countries (U.S & China); Yes , small trace of mercury . The dorsal fin is hanging a bit low and that chunk out of the ass stings . The Terra-mako is happy . So do you need any light bulbs? Good thing is the political soap box didn't get any dust on it!
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